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Tarzana, Los Angeles - WikipediaTarzana experiences a hot-summer Mediterranean climate. Due to its inland location, there is a higher degree of diurnal temperature variation than more coastal areas of Los Angeles.
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Carthoris | Encyclopedia Barsoomia Wiki | FandomCarthoris (or Carthoris Carter ) is the Red Martian/Human hybrid son of John Carter and Dejah Thoris, the older brother of Tara, and a prince of Helium. His name is a portmanteau of both Carter and Thoris surnames. The
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Downey, California - WikipediaDairy was a major industry in Downey. The Central Milk Agency marketed the milk for seven hundred dairymen whose dairy herds range from thirty to two thousand head with the value of the products marketed in excess of $
Foundation (book series) - WikipediaIn 1981, Asimov was persuaded by his publishers to write a fourth book, which became Foundation's Edge (1982).
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